Cohabitation & Palimony Agreements in Hackensack
Let Our Bergen County Family Lawyers Help You
In today’s society, couples in a relationship often choose to live with one another but not get married. It is not uncommon in such situations that they conduct their lives in every respect as a married couple: they allocate financial and household responsibilities; they acquire property and debt together, often in joint names; they sometimes even introduce themselves as married.
If these situations apply to you, contact our Hackensack attorneys for a free consultation.
Protecting You during Asset Division
When the relationship ends and the parties look to go their separate ways, they are forced to divide those asset and debts that they accumulated during their relationship. Also, if at the time of the end of the relationship, there is a significant disparity in income and/or earning potential between the parties, one party may find himself or herself in dire circumstances.
There was a time in New Jersey family law when a party could file a suit, called a palimony suit, to enforce an oral, unwritten, or implied agreement between the parties for financial support. Such a time has passed, and New Jersey no longer recognizes palimony contracts unless they are in writing. It is for this reason that even for those who choose to remain unmarried but live with another in a family-like relationship, consideration should be given to the potential ramifications of a separation should occur at some point in the future.
At Laterra & Hodge, LLC, our Hackensack attorneys can assist with the negotiation and drafting of cohabitation agreements, making sure that all possible future scenarios are considered in advance. Call our firm at (201) 580-2240 to schedule a free initial consultation.